Heritage Article:

Software Park of Jessore

The Project, Software Park of Jessore

Software Park of Jessore
Software Park of Jessore

The present Government, before coming to power through an overwhelming landslide victory, made commitment in its Election Manifesto to build a ‘Digital Bangladesh’ with a view to reaching the benefits of  digital technology to all the people of Bangladesh from urban to the farthest remote rural areas.  The Government has also drawn up ‘Vision-2021’, the year 2021 being the year of golden jubilee of Independence, with the aim of transforming the country to a middle-incoming nation by year 2021. ICT innovations and facilities are considered to play a very vital role to this end. With the objective of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) towards the development of favorable business environment for innovative companies the Government has declared ICT as a thrust sector. Government has taken up various initiatives to create conducive business environment for Hi-Tech Industries and started projects for Establishment of Information and Technology (IT) Village / Software Technology Parks (STP) in each division.

The honourable Prime Minister, during her visit at Jessore (a district under Khulna Division) on 27 December 2010, promised to establish an IT park there as part of Government’s ‘Digital Bangladesh’ concept. Following her commitment, the project titled ‘Establishment of Jessore Software Technology Park’ has been taken up by Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA). The project got the nod of ECNEC on 05 March 2013. Accordingly, the project has been launched from February, 2013 and will continue till September, 2014. The total estimated cost of the project is BDT 479.53 million.

The site for the project has been selected in a 3.03 acre of land located in Barandi and Shonkorpur Mouza of the Sadar Upazila of Jessore district.

The long-term objective of the project is to establish knowledge based industries throughout the country, particularly, related to Software and IT Enables Service (ITES) in order to contribute to the national economy to achieve the ultimate goal of ‘Vision-2012: Digital Bangladesh’.
The short-term objective is to create basic infrastructure for establishing IT Park on 3.03 acres of land identified at Jessore, to develop world-class business environment conducive for IT/ITES to attract potential foreign and local entrepreneurs for investing in Bangladesh.

The specific objectives of the project are:  
1.       To promote balanced development of ICT Industries in Southern region of the Country.
2.       To create basic infrastructure for the establishment of IT Park/STP in regional level.
3.       To construct a Multi-Tenant Building (MTB) and other utilities services at the allocated land for IT
          Park at Jessore for creating ready infrastructure for the local and foreign investor.
4.     To create a conducive environment to attract foreign companies for establishing and operating Software
          and ITES industry in Jessore as well as in Bangladesh.
5.       To create employment opportunities for the ICT professionals.
6.       To promote knowledge-based industry to realize the ‘Vision 2021: Digital Bangladesh’.

Temporary Office
The temporary office for the project has been arranged within the office compound of Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA) located at the following address: BCC Bhaban (3rd Floor), Plot E-14/X, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.

Project Director
Mr. Md. Zehsan Islam, Deputy Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh, has joined on 11 March 2013 as the Project Director of the project.
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